Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Madame Tussaud's

On Monday, I went to Madame Tussaud's after class.  It was a neat experience but it was jam-packed full of tourists, not all of which believe in deodorant.  However, much to my surprise the wax figures are extremely accessible to the visitors.  I thought they would be on display behind some form of barrier, like velvet ropes of small half walls.

Most figures are just in the open where visitors can walk right up and pose with the figure.  Unfortunately, this was a bit annoying as some people found the need to begin their own personal fashion shoot with the celebrity.  It was pretty difficult to get a picture of just the wax, no tourists.  You can even touch them, which surprised me.  I saw a few tourists adjusting the hair and bangs of a few wax figures.  It looked pretty creepy because the figures looked so real.  So it was almost as if a random person was just casually fixing Beyonce's bangs!

They had a wide variety of public figures from Hollywood celebrities to political figures to sports icons and even a section on famous criminals.

Some of my favorite/most popular/most realistic figures are below! Hope you enjoy as much I did.


Morgan Freeman

Robert Pattinson & Taylor Lautner 

The Queen Mother 

Prince Harry, Prince Charles, & Camilla 

Prince William & Kate Middleton

Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Phillip 

Princess Diana 

William Shakespeare 

The Beatles! 

President Obama 

Winston Churchill 

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