Thursday, July 19, 2012

Haggis Hostel

Well I've arrived safely in Edinburgh!  Our train came in today around 5:30pm local time to Edinburgh Waverly Station.  Just a short walk from the station we found our hostel for the first night, Haggis Hostel.  The hostel is on the third floor of a narrow building hidden down a back alley.  There are seven of us here so far and we are expecting three more in the morning.  We are in a room tonight with ten beds, all bunk beds, so its a bit like being at summer camp. 

After much searching tonight, we finally decided on a place to eat.  We found that many restuarants here are in ground level places or basements.  As we've experienced before, the service is a little slow and it seems like you have to prompt the servers for anything.  I think the culture here is more used to wining and dining, whereas in the States we like to eat and get out.  Well, I just popped on for some quick computer time! Off to bed!

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