Sunday, July 15, 2012

Friday the 13th and the White Cliffs of Dover

On Friday, five of us (Andrew, Matt, Sana, Simeen, and myself) took the train from London to Dover to see the famous white cliffs!  The journey took just over two hours but was a nice, relaxing one.  It was great to get out of the city and see some of the English countryside.  Upon arrival in Dover, we wandered around the little downtown area before heading to the sea front.  We dipped a finger in the ocean and it was COLD!  But it was nice to finally see some clean, clear, blue water rather than the muddy brown of the Thames.
The train station was called Dover Priory and this hotel sat just outside across the street.  We didn't go in but I just liked the look of the place.

Also in downtown, we came across this screen set up in the square to show live covergae of the Olympic games.  It kind of reminded of that sceen in Hunger Games when District 11 is watching the games in their main square!

From the sea front "beach" (it was made entirely of pebbles and stones) we could see Dover Castle seated on the tops of the cliffs.  After some searching, we found the trail leading up to the castle and went inside to explore.


From inside the castle, you could look down and see all around the castle grounds and across the city of Dover.  The view was so beautiful!

At the very top of Dover Castle!  You can probably tell from the flag, but it was extremely windy atop the castle.

After the castle, we hiked the White Cliffs.  We walked along the cliff edge for at least an hour, seeing how far out we could go.  Off in the distance we could make out some land that I'm pretty sure was the shore of France.  Unfortunately, we had to leave and return to London, especially since Andrew, Matt, and I had a train to Liverpool on Saturday!

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